Sugar : A sweet poison ? Human beings are naturally attracted to sweet things i.e, your favorite cake, chocolate, fruit juice or any sweet substance that catches your fancy. As you already know that too much sugar is not good for your health.. Source of Sugar Sugary drinks (fanta,coca cola), baked foods (cakes), dairy products (yoghurt, ice cream) are the main sources of sugar, even foods like bread, yam, rice, tomato sauce also have sugar in them making it very easy for have to have excess of sugar in our body. So As short and sweet way how SUGAR can affect our body there are as below 1. Sugar affects your teeth; you probably thought your parents hated you when you were younger for telling you not to eat sweets, but they where right. Sweets, candy can rot your teeth this happens by bacteria eating remnant of sweet foods in your mouth thereby causing cavities and rots 2. Sugar affects your joints; if you have j...