
Showing posts from July, 2018

Why do you get acne on your face?

WHY DO YOU GET ACNE ON YOUR FACE? Hi myself Dr. Amin Bayad. I write health and fitness related article in simple and easy way to understand. So without any waste of time today topic is most common problem in teenager is that acne. Here is the answer for the question of why do you get acne on your face? Definition: - Acne is a disease of hair follicle which is inflamed and painful mainly found on face, chest and back. It is most common disease of teenager during puberty because sebaceous gland is more active during puberty. You can say that when hormonal changes occur in our body Types of acne: - Whiteheads, Blackheads, Pimples, Cyst and Nodule PATHOPHYSIOLOGY There are lots of glands are present in our body. In which sebaceous gland are present in face. Sebaceous glands of face produce liquid called sebum. Sebum is vehicle for the dead skin through follicle to the surface of skin If there is any blockage in hair follicle than skin cell, sebum and hair can clump together in to pug and t

What are the health benefits of drinking warm water?

What are the health benefits of drinking warm water? Hello friends, in this blog we discuss about the health benefit of drinking warm water especially in morning. As traditional way all over the world our morning is start with fresh hot coffee or tea according to region. Considering water our mind is set that we consume water as cold. Besides this you also here about consuming warm water in the morning have many more health benefits and according to Ayurveda warm water itself is medicine for many diseases. Regular intakes of warm water have benefits of increase immunity, weight loss; improve digestion, any many more we discuss in this blog. Most of the physicians recommend warm water in morning with empty stomach that has lots of benefits to our body. Without any waste of time we discuss about health benefits of drinking warm water as below. Health benefits 1.       Improve digestion: - when we consume warm water on daily basis that’s leads to sooth and activate our digestive tract. Wa

What is the early sing and symptoms of breast cancer?

What is the early sing and symptoms of BREAST CANCER? Definition:-   When cells of the breast begin to grow out of control , these cells usually form a tumor that can often seen on x-ray or felt as lump.  The tumor is malignant if the cell can spread in to surrounding tissue or spread to distal organ of body.   First you should know the anatomy of breast as seen on image below. As you know our motto of this blog is to understand in easy way so I don’t make this blog boring as other have lots of information and lots of pages, charts etc. etc.   about breast cancer. I make it in simple way to understand. In India we have now increasing numbers of patient of breast cancer day by day especially in younger age group. The reason behind this increasing breast cancer patient is lack of awareness. In rural area there is more number of case of breast cancer than urban because of lack of information regarding the cancer. As you know in rural area patient come when th


MEASLES DEFINATION: - Measles is highly contagious acute respiratory viral disease with a characteristic clinical picture, rash and a pathognomonic enanthem KOPLIK’S SPOT CAUSES:- Measles is a highly contagious illness caused by a virus that replicates in the nose and throat of an infected child or adult. Then, when someone with measles coughs, sneezes or talks, infected droplets spray into the air, where other people can inhale them. The infected droplets may also land on a surface, where they remain active and contagious for several hours. You can contract the virus by putting your fingers in your mouth or nose or rubbing your eyes after touching the infected surface. SYMPTOMS:- The sing and symptoms of measles are appear around 10 to 14 days   after exposure to measles virus ·         Fever ·         Dry cough ·         Runny nose ·         Sore throat ·         Inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis) ·         Tiny white spots with bluish-white centers on a red background found inside the

The cause and treatment of Fever

The Cause In previous blog we discussed about FEVEF and how to detect and there symptoms in detail if you missed the blog here is link So today topic is cause  Cause of fever is very big topic that if we discuss the one cause it can take two to three blogs to full discus about it so in this blog I take some of important causes in short and simplest way to understand Fever can be caused by a number of factors: ·         an infection, such as throat infection, flu, chickenpox , or pneumonia ·         rheumatoid arthritis ·         some medications ·         overexposure of skin to sunlight, or sunburn ·         heat stroke, resulting either by exposure to high temperatures or prolonged strenuous exercise ·         dehydration ·         silicosis, a type of lung disease caused by long-term exposure to silica dust ·         amphetamine abuse ·         alcohol withdrawal       so this a cause of fever in this most com


FEVER Definition :- Although a  fever  could be considered any body temperature above the normal 98.6 F (37 C), medically, a person is not considered to have a significant  fever  until the temperature is above 100.4 F (38.0 C). Most  fever  is beneficial, causes no problems, and helps the body fight off infections . fever So when the body temperature increase in body that’s the sing of something wrong is happening in our body.   You can say that fever is result of immune response to foreign invader I;e   bacteria, viruses, fungi, drugs and toxins. What are the sing and symotoms of fever ? A fever can cause a person to feel very uncomfortable. Signs and symptoms of a fever include the following: Temperature greater than 100.4 F (38 C) in adults and children Shivering, shaking, and chills Aching muscles and joints or other body aches Headache Intermittent sweats   Rapid heart rate   Skin flushing or hot skin Feeling faint, dizzy, or lightheaded Eye pain or sore eyes