
Showing posts from August, 2018

Dengue fever: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

DENGUE FEVER DEFINITION : - Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by four different viruses is that Dengue virus 1, 2, 3 and 4 and spread by Aedes mosquito which is found all over the world. The onset of the symptoms usually starts 4 to 7 days after the mosquito bite. There is some research is on-going for developing the dengue vaccine. In some country vaccine for dengue fever are commercially available (the Philippines and Indonesia). So for the prevention of dengue fever, there is some method of preventing which we discuss in the separate heading in this blog. There is gradually increasing in a number of dengue fever in India. Dengue fever in India 1 st reported in Madras in 1780 and the 1 st outbreak occurred in Calcutta in 1963. In India, dengue fever is more dangerous because there is lack of knowledge of sanitation and how to avoid further developing of dengue viruses and most common causes are that there are lots of open collection of water which are non-medicated t

Typhoid Fever: Symptoms, treatment, causes, and prevention

TYPHOID FEVER DEFINITION : - Typhoid fever is a systemic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi also known as s. typhi. Salmonella enterica serotype paratyphi( s. paratyphi) A, B, C cause the clinically similar condition known as paratyphoid. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever collectively referred to as enteric fever. The contagious nature of the disease and incriminated faecally contaminated water sources in transmission was described by William Budd in 1873. EPIDEMIOLOGY India the typhoid fever is a major public health problem because of poor sanitation, lack of safe drinking water supply and low socioeconomic condition. That’s why in India there is lots of case of typhoid fever. The typhoid fever is usually observed throughout the year. Age group: - mainly affect children and young adults Gender: - more common in a male. As female are chronic carriers. Socioeconomic factor: - Typhoid fever is a disease of poverty and associated with inadequate san

What are the main causes of kidney stones?

KIDNEY STONE Definition : - Kidney stone is also known as urolithasis. When solid piece of material are conjugated in one or both of yours kidney because of high level of certain mineral are in urine and that conjugated piece are called as kidney stone. Kidney stone is varying in size. Small size stone may pass without any medication and without any causing sing and symptoms. When stones size is more than 5mm are difficult to pass and can causes severe pain and block ureter. Stone are form in kidney when minerals are high in concentration. Pathophysiology (How kidney stone form?) Hypocitraturia : - The meaning of hypocitraturia is citrate excretion less than 320 mg/day in urine Hypocitraturia can causes formation of kidney stone because role of citrate is to reduce super saturation of calcium salt and inhibits crystal growth (stone). Inhibitors of stone formation : - Normal urine contain chelating agent such as citrate, calgronal, tamm-harshfall protein, uroprotin, nephrocalcium, pr