
Ulcerative colitis: causes, symptoms, and treatment

ULCERATIVE COLITIS Ulcerative colitis is inflammatory bowel disease in which there is inflammation of the inner lining of large intestine or colon. If inflammation is untreated then there will be a development of ulcer on the inner lining of intestine and colon. In India, 6.02/100,000 people are suffering from ulcerative colitis according to studies conducted on different Indian state on different time. All through ulcerative colitis is a disease of the western country but nowadays this disease is also seen in Asian countries. CAUSES OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS An exact cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown as research is going on ulcerative colitis causes.  Perversely diet and stress are suspected of the causes of ulcerative colitis but due to lack of evidence, we cannot say that stress and diet are responsible for ulcerative colitis. Immune system malfunction is one possible cause for ulcerative colitis. Where abnormal immune response causes the immune system to attack cell of the dig...

Asthma : symptoms, causes, and treatment

ASTHMA IN INDIA Good morning everyone as you know winter is arriving and this season is also called as a healthy season but in some people who have ASTHMA winter will increase their problem from a cough to breathing problem so in this blog we will discuss asthma and their causes, symptoms treatment and prevention. In India, the asthmatic patient is increasing in number by the report of government. The sale of anti-asthmatic medicine is gone up by 43% over the past few years. Thirteen of the most world’s 20 most polluted cities are in India as per the data of world health organization. In the air of Delhi, Patna, Gwalior, and Raipur have the highest amount of tiny suspended particle that penetrates deep into the airways of lungs to causes asthma, bronchiectasis heart disease stroke etc. On the basis of number, about 15 to 20 million people have asthma in India. So this is a brief report on asthma in India now on next heading we will discuss the whole scenario of asthma. ASTHMA Definitio...

what should i eat in diabetes?

Good morning friends in the last blog we discuss diabetes in all aspects its causes, types, symptoms, and treatment and diabetes is a non-treatable disease so controlling blood sugar level and prevention of further complication due to high blood sugar level. In diabetes diet and exercise is a very important factor in controlling blood sugar level so, in this blog, we discuss what should you eat in diabetes? There are lots of fruits, foods, and spices are available and have a lot of health benefits. In today’s blog, we discuss 10 foods that you don’t miss if you have diabetes. We often take some food on regular basis but we don’t know about that foods nutritious value, so in this blog here is present what should you eat in diabetes?   WHAT SHOULD YOU EAT IN DIABETES? 1. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL : - Extra virgin olive oil is very useful for lowering blood glucose level and also good for heart health. There is many more fats are available but only olive oil fats are good for reducing he...

Diabetes: types, symptoms, causes, and treatment

DIABETES: TYPES, SYMPTOMS, CAUSES, AND TREATMENT Diabetes is the chronic medical condition caused by insufficient production as well as secretion of insulin from the pancreas in case of Type 1 diabetes which also know as Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus. In Type 2 Diabetes There will be a defective response to insulin which is also known as Noninsulin-dependent diabetes Mellitus.      Work of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas ) is to control the blood sugar level in the body. After we consume food the blood glucose level is increasing and then insulin is released from the pancreas and controls the glucose level of blood but in case of diabetes, there will be absence or insufficient production of insulin that causes hyperglycemia(increased blood sugar level). DIABETES IN INDIA  Diabetes is India's fastest growing disease about 72 million cases recorded till 2017 and this will be double in 2025 diabetes cases in Indi...

Swine flu: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

SWINE FLU: CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, AND TREATMENT Good morning everyone in this blog we discuss swine flu: Causes, symptoms, and treatment  as you know from the title. Swine flu outbreak comes all over the world in 2009 that may have killed more than 2, 03,000 people worldwide that are 10 times higher than the thought. The number of the deaths are much higher than expected in swine flu outbreak Swine flu terms refer to influenza in pig so, pig transmits influenza virus to person, mainly to farmer and veterinaries and then after human to human transmission spread. WHO declared swine flu (h1n1) pandemic over in August 2010 but it can spread during flu season like another flu virus. H1N1 is the subtype of the influenza virus. It’s also come from different subtype H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, and many more. DEFINITION : - Swine flu is an infection caused by several types of swine influenza virus like H1N1, H1N2, H2N1, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3. Swine flu was initially seen in human in Mexico in 200...

What are the causes of Hair fall?

HAIR FALL Good morning everyone, in this blog we discuss hair fall which is most common in man as well as women or even in children nowadays. Have you ever know that why your hairs are falling out? So in this blog, we discuss the What are the causes of Hair fall? and its treatment and how to prevent hair loss. As you know hair grows everywhere on the skin except on the palms of our and hands and soles of our foot. Hair is made up of a protein called as keratin that is produced in hair follicle in the outer layer of skin. Most common causes for the hair fall are diet, lifestyle, and many more which we will discuss in this blog. A common type of hair fall is known as alopecia which means 100 hair falls per day. TYPE OF HAIR FALLS ALOPECIA ARETA: - This is the most common type of hair fall in young adult and children. Alopecia areta starts suddenly and causes patchy hair loss. This condition results in baldness TRICHOFILLOMANIA: - This is psychological disorder in which person pull out...

What should I eat every day to be healthy?

FOODS TO EAT DAILY In your mind, you ever thought about What should I eat every day to be healthy? and what are the benefits you are getting from daily food? That question arrived once in your life so that is we discuss and today blog topic is What should I eat every day to be healthy? We eat lots of foods day by day on daily basis but can you figure out what are the health benefits form that food you eat daily, probably you don't know about this, so in this blog I can suggest you some 8 food to eat daily and what are health benefits you get and I also give some substitute to that food. 1. YOGURT Various culture claims yogurt as there own creation, but 2000-year-old food health benefits not disputed, There are millions of probiotics organism that serve as reinforcement to the battalions of beneficial bacteria in your body. Yogurt also helps to boost your immune system and provide protection against cancer. SUBSTITUTE:- Soy yogurt, Kefir How to eat:- ...