What are the causes of Hair fall?


Good morning everyone, in this blog we discuss hair fall which is most common in man as well as women or even in children nowadays. Have you ever know that why your hairs are falling out? So in this blog, we discuss the What are the causes of Hair fall? and its treatment and how to prevent hair loss.

As you know hair grows everywhere on the skin except on the palms of our and hands and soles of our foot. Hair is made up of a protein called as keratin that is produced in hair follicle in the outer layer of skin. Most common causes for the hair fall are diet, lifestyle, and many more which we will discuss in this blog. A common type of hair fall is known as alopecia which means 100 hair falls per day.


ALOPECIA ARETA: - This is the most common type of hair fall in young adult and children. Alopecia areta starts suddenly and causes patchy hair loss. This condition results in baldness

TRICHOFILLOMANIA: - This is psychological disorder in which person pull out own hair.

ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA: - This is the genetic disorder that affects both men as well as women. Men with the condition called as male pattern baldness that suffering hair loss as early as 20’s. Women with this condition called as female pattern baldness in this women experience general thinning of hair over the entire scalp, with the most extensive hair loss at the crown.

INVOLUTIONAL ALOPECIA: - This is a natural condition in which hair become thins with age. Hair follicle goes into the resting phase and remaining hair follicle become shorter and less in number.

ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS: - In this condition hair fall from all over the body including eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.

TELOGEN ELFLUVIUM: - In this condition, there is temporary thinning of hair over the scalp that’s occurring because of changes in the growth cycle of hair. There is a large number of hairs follicle enter into the resting phase at the same time.

SCARING ALOPECIA: - In this condition, there is permanent loss of hair because of inflammatory condition such as cellulitis folliculitis acne and other skin diseases. That condition resulting in scar and destroys the ability of the hair regenerate.


  • GENES From parents to children
  • HORMONES Abnormal level of androgen
  • STRESS this is most common causes of hair fall
  • ILLNESS Such as inflammatory condition or fungal infection
  • PREGNANCY Because of disharmony in hormone during pregnancy
  • DRUGS Chemotherapy drug for cancer, Beta-adrenergic blocker drugs, and Birth control pill.
  • INJURIES Burn can cause temporary hair loss. In that case, normal hair growth usually returns when the injured part heals and if the scar is not present.
  • AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE may cause the alopecia in this the immune system rev up for an unknown reason and affect the hair follicle.
  • DIET As you know hair is made up of protein so low protein diet can cause the temporary hair fall.
  • MEDICAL CONDITION there are many diseases can cause hair fall such as thyroid, lupus, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia but the hair fall is temporary because when the underlying disease is treated well then the hair will return.
  • COSMETIC PRODUCT too often uses of shampoo, perms, bleaching and dying hair can contribute overall hair thinning by making hair weak and brittle.


In Men and Women

  • Thinning of hair on the scalp
  • Resending hairline
  • In men, horse-shoe shaped pattern hair fall occurs that leaves the crown of the exposed.
  • In women general thinning especially at the crown of the head.
In Children and Young adult

  • Sudden loss of patchy of hair
  • Complete loss of all hair from the body
  • Patches of broken hair and incomplete hair loss on the scalp.


I give some advice which you can follow and prevent your hair loss.

CHOOSE PRODUCT WISELY  Use the shampoo that designed for your hair type, when curling your hair chose less damaging sponge roller and use a brush which less tear your hair.

GO NATURAL Leave your hair its natural curl or texture, and give time to recovers between two treatments to grow new hair follicle.

BRUSH PROPERLY using a proper brush, apply full stroke from scalp to the tips of your hair to distribute the hair nature oil. Be gentle and avoid brushing your hair when wet.


DRUGS: - There are some drugs that are approved for hair fall 1. Minoxidil (Rogaine): Rogaine is available over the counter as a liquid or foam. Apply it to the scalp twice a day to grow hair and prevent hair loss. 2. Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar): This is a pill that you take daily. It’s only available with a prescription from your doctor.
Hair transplants: - The two most popular hair transplant procedures are follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction but both surgeries are very expensive.

  1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT): FUT is the more “classic” method. It involves removing some skin from the back of your scalp, where there is an abundance of hair, and reinserting the hair follicles into the part of the scalp where you are experiencing hair loss.
  2. Follicular unit extraction (FUE): In FUE, hair follicles are removed directly from the scalp and transplanted to the bald parts of the scalp.
Laser treatment: - Laser treatment is thought to reduce the inflammation in follicles that keeps them from regrowing. There are limited studies to support their effectiveness in treating hair loss, but a 2016 review determined that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is safe and effective when used to treat male pattern hair loss. More research is needed.
Quit smoking: - If you’re a smoker, you’ve probably heard about all the negative effects smoking has on your health. But did you know that smoking could cause hair loss on top of facial wrinkles and premature greying of hair? Research has determined that there’s a link between smoking and hair loss. If you want to keep from going bald, it may be a good idea to quit smoking as soon as possible.
Scalp massage: - They can help with your hair loss, too. Massaging the scalp stimulates the hair follicles. In one small study, healthy Japanese men who received four minutes of scalp massage each day for 24 weeks had thicker hair at the end of the study.
Oils: - In the market, there are much more hair oil is available that claims that prevent hair loss there’s some evidence that peppermint oil can help with hair growth. Rosemary oil has also been traditionally used to increase blood circulation on the scalp. A study found that rosemary leaf extract improved hair regrowth in mice. Coconut oil, castor oil, and olive oil are also widely recommended, but research on their benefits for hair growth is limited.
A balanced diet: - A well-balanced diet can keep your hair in tip-top shape. Make sure you are including a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, unsaturated fats, and lean proteins in your diet, and limit your intake of sweets. Certain vitamins and minerals found in food are associated with healthy hair. Iron-rich foods, including lean beef, beans, green leafy vegetables, iron-fortified grains, and eggs. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such salmon, mackerel, tuna, flax seeds, egg yolks, hemp seeds, and walnuts. High-protein foods, like eggs, lean meats, and seafood.
Onion juice: - 2002 study showed that the use of onion juice as a topical treatment resulted in significantly more regrowth than just tap water in people with patchy alopecia areata.




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